20 Years? How can it be?
So much can happen in 20 years. Who can plan their life and have it turn out exactly as they said it would? I heard a funny line recently, the person said, “Want to make God laugh? Tell Him your plans.” It’s so true!
Why am I dwelling on this number in particular? Well, this is the month my first born came into the world. Yes, 20 years ago and I can’t even wrap my head around it. It’s the year I not only became a mom but I also officially became an entrepreneur.
I left my 9-5 ad agency life, equipped my house for both child rearing and freelancing and I away I went. Who would have thought looking back that I would own my own brick and mortar shop, provide print services and fundraising opportunities for organizations, and design Buffalo themed items to sell? Not me, not at all! My plan was to continue on the path of corporate design until I returned to the 9-5 life when my kids were older.
Yes, tell God your plans…
So, here I sit, reflecting on my life as a wife, mom, daughter, and entrepreneur. None of my time at home with the kids would have worked if I didn’t have support. I had the financial backing and support from my husband. I was fortunate to not have to worry about providing a roof over our heads. Yes, I contributed to the family monetarily but I didn’t have that stress of doing it alone. I also had the support of my extended family who helped pitch in during seasons where business was overwhelming or if I just needed a break. They were my life support and I will forever be grateful to them.
I can honestly say, I prefer His plans over mine any day. I am so thankful I was able to be home with my kids while helping to provide for my family. I love the creative path I’m on designing fun themes instead of only corporate business collateral. I feel my world has expanded in ways I would not have been able to had I lived in that box I was painting myself into. I’m so very thankful and so glad you’re here with me for the journey.
I’d love to hear about your path. Have something you want to do and want to share it? I’m all ears (or eyes in this case). Write me back, DM or private message me through Facebook. I welcome your stories and want to know more about your dreams!